A downloadable game

"You play as a bird that flaps through pipes, shooting up with every tap. For every pipe you clear you gain a point. The goal is to beat your high score, and see how many randomly heighted pipes you can traverse through. This goal is hindered due to the bird drinking pure lard, gaining calories, and getting bigger; making your chances of clearing pipes/completing traversal harder." - The doc description for this give.

My thoughts:

A really small project to try to evolve and develop my game DESIGN skills. Ive created some document for simple games like Pong, Frogger, and of course, Flappy Bird! To finally get me hands dirty, and try to enhance flappy bird, I wanted to add a mechanic that aligns with the feelings and gameplay the original Flappy Bird made the the player go through. Please, in the comments give me critiques and overall thoughts of the game design, anything will do!

Published 16 hours ago


FlappyBirdCaloricEdition.zip 28 MB

Install instructions

Extract the game and get to it. No tutorials, just gameplay!

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